As a huge THANK YOU! to our loyal followers, they can find a special coupon code just for them to receive $10 off their Rotator Rod order tomorrow, Sunday, July 28, 2013.
If you do not follow us on Pinterest yet, don't worry! Just visit our Pinterest page here and click Follow Boards to find our Coupon Code and receive $10 off your order tomorrow, Sunday, July 28, 2013!
Get the most out of your space with The Rotator Rod -- the rotating, curved shower curtain rod. The Rotator Rod offers your the luxury of a standard curved shower curtain rod but rotates into the tub and out of the way while you use the rest of the bathroom! It is the perfect solution for those of us with small bathrooms! For more information on The Rotator Rod, click here.
Bathroom Bliss is brought to you by the Rotator Rod, the next evolution of the curved shower rod.