Want to expand your shower & bathroom space but don't have the money & time to remodel or move to a more luxurious, spa-inspired place? Don't worry, Rotator Rod has you covered!

The Rotator Rod is the perfect solution for any bathroom space because it is a curved shower rod that rotates! The Rotator Rod gives you more luxury than a standard curved shower curtain rod while you are in the shower, expanding shower space by up to 33%! That means 4 star hotel luxury in your own home!

After you finish showering, flip the Rotator Rod into the tub -- and out of your way -- while you use the rest of the bathroom! It's innovative design actually uses less bathroom space than a straight shower rod. That's right, the power of the Rotator Rod lets you expand your bathroom space OR your shower space with the flick of your wrist.

And it is SO easy to install! With our simple No-Drill Adaptors, you don't even need a drill and you won't damage your shower walls! Just watch our YouTube video below!
Not convinced yet? Then check out these 5 star reviews about the Rotator Rod from certified customers below. There are even more customer reviews on our website, not to mention professional reviews from About.com, Studio M Interior Design, and the website Makobi Scribe. The Rotator Rod is popping up in apartment communities throughout the U.S. but originally started at 300 At The Circle in Lexington, Kentucky, where the photo of that beautiful purple and silver bathroom earlier in the article was taken! The Rotator Rod was even a finalist in Apartment Therapy's 2010 Design Showcase, a contest for the best in design for the home!

What do you think about the Rotator Rod? Do you have one in your bathroom already? Do you want one? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!