Enter to Win a Rotator Rod Rotating, Curved Shower Rod + Product Revie

Enter to Win a Rotator Rod Rotating, Curved Shower Rod + Product Review!

We are excited to share another great Rotator Rod review with you!

Enter to Win a Rotator Rod Rotating, Curved Shower Rod + Product Review! from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

We recently sent Kelly at Makobi Scribe a Rotator Rod rotating, curved shower curtain rod to review. She liked the instant, drastic change to her small bathroom so much we teamed up to host a contest together!

Enter to Win a Rotator Rod Rotating, Curved Shower Rod + Product Review! from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

In her article 5 Ways to Add Space to a Small Bathroom, Kelly raves about how the Rotator Rod makes your bathroom feel less claustrophobic with just a flip of the handle. Check out her article for her experience mounting and using the Rotator Rod!

Enter to Win a Rotator Rod Rotating, Curved Shower Rod + Product Review! from Bathroom Bliss by Rotator Rod

And don't forget to enter the Makobi Scribe Contest for your chance to win a Rotator Rod! The contest ends on November 24, 2013.


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